Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Miss behaving horse- Rick Gore Horsemanship

Miss behaving horse- Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:20:32

Hello I have had my horse for a year and a half he is a 6 year old standardbred gelding and in the past couple of months he has been rearing and bucking and pig rooting but did never do this previous when I rode him and even when he bucks and rears and I stay on to show him that he can't get me off he still does it and he is not lame or anything and I'm using the same saddle/bridle/bit to what I have always used with him. What could be wrong with him and how could I stop him from doing this?

You obviously have not read my web site or watched my videos on youtube. Congrats you are a horse trainer, it only took you a year and a half to teach the horse to  do those things.

There is nothing wrong with the horse, you probably can't stop these things since you are causing them and are teaching them and reinforcing  them. Since you see this as a horse problems you can't get past that you are the problem and the horse is simply being a horse.

If the horse was not doing this a year and a half ago and you are the owner and primary rider and handler, how can you not see that what you have done has taught the horse to do what it is doing.

If you don't understand this answer, read my website and watch my videos on youtube.