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cheif - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:19:39

I REALLY need some advice. I have been riding for 12 years, I have dealt with difficult horses before, but nothing like this. I am starting to work with a horse named cheif. As i have been told by the people who own him, he rears every time someone gets on him. Yesterday was the first day i started working with him.
  To start i did a few trust things to make sure he wasnt weary of people etc. he was very responsive and was liike a big dog. i then proceeded to work with him. i put a bridle on him and did a few weight exercises to see if he had back issues or did not want to except weight. he stood absolutely statue still, almost as if he had fallen asleep. so then i got on him( after having gone over his entire body and checked for sorness, bumps, anything that could cause discomfort) i got on him bare back thinking ok maybe its the saddle he doesnt like, he stood with me for a few minutes. i then proceeded to turn him and he reared. (everyone thinks hes an ass i dont) so i thought maybe he was just messing with me. i let him have his head and he kept rearing. i emergency dismounted and tired again. this time he was ok. i then used a bare back pad so i wouldnt slide around as easy. he accepted it with out hassle. the only thing he was bad with was his bridle. he would only rear when i asked for a change of direction or to circle anything that pulled his head.
does this sound like a bridle issue to you? i just need a little advice on what to do. i mean i  have a new bit ordered and everything. should i try to just ride him in a halter and see if he rears to findd out if that the deffinate problem?

ANSWER: You did a lot things I would not do. You went too fast, you tired to fast, you did too much and you taught the horse that if he reared you would Jump Off, what you call a emergency dismount, that is nice way of saying your screwed up and set the horse up to fail, you got scared and taught the horse a bad lesson.

This horse has no business having a bit, he needs to worked in a halter and one rein., You need to get you ass in a saddle so you support yourself and stop trying to be cool and hurt the horse. Bare back is stupid to try and work with a horse that already knows how to get rid of people so you do it with not support basically planning to jump off and then trying to justify it by saying some kind of foolishness.  You obviously have not watch my video on rearing horse on why not to ride bare back and did just about everything you should not have.

You think since you have been lucky for 12 years of riding that somehow that impresses the horse or me, it does not. What you did tells me and the horse, you don't know what you are doing and you don't understand horses.

You want my advice after you taught the horse that it can rear and get you off. You are already 10 backwards and now the horse knows it.

You want advice from me and the horse told you everything you need to know, you were too busy knowing what you were doing since you have riding for 12 whole years that you did not get any of the messages the horse was sending.  too busy talking and training and not enough listening.  I assure you the horse did make the same mistake you did, he was listening and he learned a lot more than you did.

My advice is read my site and watch my videos before you ruin this horse more than other have and before you get yourself hurt and then blame the horse.

Anything I would tell you now is pointless since you have undone so much that it would take a week or more of GOOD training, good being the key here, more bad training, like you did will only make it worse. You don't get that YOU made the horse rear, you did it wrong, you went too fast, you did not listen to the horse and then you write me looking for some secret advice, that again shows your lack of knowledge of horses. Anyone that really understands horses knows NO one can fix a horse over an email without ever seeing the horse or person.

And if you think my answer is too rough or mean, then you really have watched anything or read any of my site. I don't give out dumb advice to make people feel good, you are over your head. But I would bet my bottom dollar you will ignore what I say since it is not what you want to here, you will keep trying dumbe things and will either fail, get the horse hurt or get yourself hurt and then blame the horse since YOu think the horse had these problems when you got him so nothing he does is your fault. You are wrong, but your choice, unfortunately the horse does not a choice, he only knows how to be a horse. So whatever he does, you will cause it, if he fails it is your fault if he gets better then it means you did right.  So with that  in mind ask yourself why the horse reared and what he trained you to jump off?  Answer is: You did it and it is your fault.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Alright jerk , you have made your damn point. Too bad you failed to read that the only resonance I got off once was because I slipped. And if he would have reared again if could have been very dangerous for the both of us. This bare back pad had stirrups and a girth. He had been ridden saddle seat then the people rode him western I didn't know if the saddle had hurt him so I didn't want to put unnecessary weight swing as a western saddle can weight up to 50 or 60 pounds heavier than a saddle seat saddle. And I do understand that what the horse does is my fault. He actually was responsive yo me and I was eventually a le to walk him around.d the ring on a lose reign and he wasn't tense. Honestly don't get a big dick and learn to have so damn respect for people who come to you. I though you seemed the most fair but... u just seem like a spoiled adult who wants to intimidate people over email

ANSWER: Lol what a shocker, you seek me out - you don't know anything about me and you do no research on me before asking for advice - you think someone can fix a horse over an email, you get over your head with a horse and teach the horse to rear and somehow I am a jerk.

News flash Missy - the horse does not care about your feelings it does not care that you think you are good and it does not care that you are scared and running around on the internet looking for advice - the horse only cares what you do. The horse is telling you that you do not know what you are doing, the horse is telling you what you are doing is not working. I simply try and tell you in a way where you might listen - Silent and listen have the same letters, that is why horses are so good at figuring out people that think they know.

So you go off and cry and whine and play the name calling game - that is exactly what you will do to this horse after you make it more dangerous, you will blame it for being mean or for being a jerk or for not loving you or for not knowing how smart you are - it wont change that you are on a dangerous path to failure and you will likely end up getting hurt or getting the horse hurt or teach the horse to be so dangerous that no one else will want to work it, so the horse will have a past and no future.

So you keep on blaming me and the horse for not knowing how smart you are - at the end of day - you are so hung up that the problem can't be you that you are blinded to learning anything new.

You will see still be saying look at pretty lights when the train hits you

You want nice advice that won't help but will make you feel good - here you are

Bless your heart for trying - you know what you are doing and did everything right - that horse is just too stupid to know how smart you are. I wish I could help but since I cant see and work with horse myself - I don't think I can help - I suggest you get professional help from someone who will better meet your needs.

Ahhwww you feel better now -  :)

To err is human - to blame the horse and others is even more Human

Those who are willing to learn from the horse will listen to the horse
Those who know it all will make excuses and blame the horse

If you just want to argue and make your failure about me - whats the
Point? Ask someone else for help, don't ask me and stop wasting my time - I don't ever have horse problems - I only have stupid human problems -

I put out a 500 page web site and over 500 videos on Youtube and I only scratch the surface of horsemanship and somehow you think I can sum all that up with some special secret over an email?  Brilliant..

Good day

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what part of i will not blame the horse do you not understand. and guess what. he was abused and has trust issues. which i just found out today. i asked you one simple wuestion and you thin i asked you to give me a book on what to do. you my friend need to see professional help for your self. now good day sir


Just as I predicted so many times in the past, when someone screws up with a horse, they will find excuses for their failure. Good for you, you found out he was abused in the past therefore you have no responsibility for anything you do or cause, since the problem has to be something other than YOU.

That is what you don't get, had you read my site or watched some of my videos, you would know that I cover this topic frequently, the past does not matter, the horse's breeding does not matter, the horses color or size does not matter, it only matters what YOU do. Which is why the saying is: A horse is a reflection of you.

But just like I said in my first answer, you will not listen to me or the horse, you want to find blame elsewhere when you all have to do is look in the mirror, maybe you are scared of what you might see.

Watch the "Buck" movie, you might identify with the woman that was crying about having to kill her horse.  Buck and everyone with brain knew it was her fault, but she insisted that the horse was oxygen deprived as a baby so that is why the horse attacked people. You have your excuse now, the horse was abused, well whooptie woo...  

News flash: I have worked with many so called abused horses and they did not do what others told me they would do? How can that be, with your logic, or lack of, if a horse is abused, it can't be fixed and everything it does wrong is justified from the past abuse. Really an armature approach and belief.

Watch the Buck movie, I have a feeling you and the woman saving stallions have a lot in common.


The Horse....

PS: if you spent as much time harassing me with your emails, you might have been able to learn something with all that wasted time......... silly me, you would rather be right than learn, which is why you fail with horses....

Good Day....  :)   

Peace out....