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bitless bridles uses

20 17:21:42

hello ma'am, please watch this video, i believe that this rider is riding smooth and even the horse gait is smooth. am i right? so what do horses learn from bitless bridles? madam, this rider is looking down i believe. can riders look down and ride? is it wrong?

Nice video....

however, the horse is a bit "stuck" in his head and neck.
There is a term in dressage..."throughness"...that the impulsion coming from the horse's haunches comes through the horse's back forward through his neck to his mouth.#nose#.

The rider should look up. She is also not "grounded". Watch her in posting. Her heel comes up and down and her knee moves with each trot stride. She is pushing down on the stirrup to post instead of allowing the horse to help lift her from the saddle.

You are probably doing this a bit as you are just learning. That can cause discomfort,  as you experienced a couple of days ago.

With further correct training his trot will improve and his trot become more "cadenced".
..........balanced with suspension between diagonals.

Bitless Bridles #Dr. Cooks # are very useful and humane for horses.
Unfortunately they are still not always allowed in horse shows, though that is slowly changing.

It can be used instead of a bit or as a tool in training, or to give the horse's mouth a break.

I believe that if at all possible a horse should be ridden without a bit when the rider is learning about contact.