Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > whoa!


20 17:37:52


Hello, I have a 20 year old Appy, I got her about a year ago, my first horse, and I have been riding for about 6 years, so I know my way around horses (btw, if it's any help, I'm 13). Anyway, She can be a very head-strong horse!  She's kept in a pasture most of the time unless I take her out to ride. and every  time i take her out, she keeps trying to go back to the pasture, and then I get mad because I can't have a nice ride, and she just won't whoa either when I tell her, got any advice? thanks



Sounds like you have some great riding experience. I'd start with some round pen work with your mare, she sounds a bit herb bound. I'd also have a vet rule out any physical issues, specially teeth. After that, I'd go back to some routine round pen exercises, getting her to focus on you and listen to your verbal cues from the ground. Ask her to trot a circle and tell her whoa, if she doesn't stop, increase the pressure on her and ask her to trot faster of even canter a few times around. You want to make it so that doing the right thing is easy (ie: stopping when you say whoa) and doing the wrong thing results in harder work (ie: ignoring your cues). Be sure to work her all gaits both directions. As far as being herd bound, you want to use the same theory, when she begins acting sour or resentful about going away from her friends, make her move her feet, sidepass, back circles, circle, something to get her thinking and make her work. When she relaxes and listens again, allow her to walk off on a lose rein. It won't take long before she'll realize that walking along and enjoying her riding time with you, is much more fun. Be sure to keep your lessons short and reward her often.

Happy Trails,
