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dressage help!

20 17:37:52

I do not know where to begin.  I leased a TB mare, 7 years old.  I can do anything with this mare in a pair of Vienna reins, as soon as I take them off, she avoids the bit. (throws her head)  Why?  My dressage trainer believes it is her previous training.  I use a snaffle loose ring.  I have tried a couple of other bits, I have tried going back to basics, I am a good rider, with calm hands.  HELP!

Hi Bec!

I cannot give training advice to non-owners of the horse in question.  Training is the sole responsibility of the legal owner.  Any interference, even with the best of intentions can lead to hard feelings or worse a lawsuit.

But, I can say in the broadest of terms.....speak to the owner, express your concerns and ask for her to correct this so you may continue to spend your money wisely...instead of throwing good money after bad.  If she wants you to continue paying her for the lease, fixing any issues would be in her and her mount's best interest.  If she balks or refuses....well, there are plenty of other horses in the world, right?
