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hacking out

20 17:43:25

i fell of my new horse hacking out a few months ago and have only been back on the roads about 4 times since. hacking out scares me. my horse is quite jumpy and when she spooks i get nervous. i am confident in the school and go to shows without a problem but i need help on how to overcome my fear.

Horse get their confidence from the rider, your horse knows you are unsure and nervous.  All horse spook and jump, by riding relaxed and lose in the saddle, you will be able to stay in the seat better if the horse jumps.  The more the horse jumps the better you will get at staying in the seat.  Not sure what kind of saddle you ride, but go to my horseman tips page on my site and read about my nightlatch or bucking strap, if you put one on your saddle and ride with your hand in it, you will stay in saddle better.

The more confident you are the more your horse will know this and will not spook so much and will look to you for security and not want to react and run, like their instincts tell them to do.
