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Breaking In my Horse

21 8:55:10

Hi, there just wondering a what age would you consider breaking in a quarter horse.  I was ready when my mare was 3 (just under) however I fell pregnant and have had to leave it for another year she is now 4.  I am worried I have now left it toooo late.  I have had her since she was 1 and have lunged her, and lunged her with a saddle girthed up on her - no problems at all.  She has been turned out for sometime now and brought in ocasisonally for a groom and some light work ie. walk on trot on stand and back up all fine.  
I would also like to know what kind of bit I should start with to mouth her.  
Thanks for your time sarah.

Hi Sarah!

4 is not too late to break your mare. Though I would recommend breaking her soon, I've found that the 5 and 6 year olds I've broke are more difficult though not impossible. You sound like you have prepared her correctly.
Good job. Still, I always recommenced having a professional who specializes in breaking train the mare. I tell everyone it takes 3 months for anything to really stick with them.

Being started under saddle is the single most vital component in a horses training. It is your responsibility as a horse owner to give your mare the best start possible. Well trained horses live long happy lives. Plus, you'll have a wonderful partner for many years to come :)

I use a d-ring snaffle with a rubber mouthpiece on all my babies. Then I transition them into a Myler level one snaffle.

I cannot recommend Myler bits enough. They make a huge difference in communicating with your horse. You can find them online and most tack shops carry them.

Good luck and always remember to wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!