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Health & Training

20 17:57:15

We recently aquired a 2 yr old gelding. The horse had not been fed properly and is very skinny.   You can see his Ribs and Hip bones. The gentleman that we got him from who was actully the 2nd person to own him, was nusing him back to good health said he was broke and he had ridden him a couple of times. We actually watched him ride him. My personal opinion is he is not strong enought to be ridden My question is at what point should we start riding him?

Hi Loretta!

From what you describe, he should not by ridden....mostly because of his age and poor weight.  He may be so malnourished he is sluggish and unresponsive under saddle.  Therefore, anyone can ride him.  BUT!  Once he gets his weight up and starts to be interested into the world around him again...WATCH OUT!!  He will be a horse you never saw before.  Lively and full of beans!

I recommend having the vet out to see him and have them suggest a feed program for him.  He needs groceries....and all will come after that.  Plenty of turnout on good grass in the sunshine and free choice hay of a good quality.  Feed him a sweet feed or pellet that is specifically for growing horses and do 3 small meals a day instead of 1 big meal.  

Have the vet worm him and give him as many shots as she thinks his weakened state can handle...she may have to do 3 visits to give him everything he needs.

Forget riding him until he is healthier.  Then, ask your vet, farrier or tack shop to recommend a local trainer  with experience breaking babies to come out and evaluate your situation.  Hire them to help you break this baby correctly when he is healthy enough to participate and remember his training.  Not like the past where he was so sick anyone could do anything to him.

Taking the time and money to fix him up and train him right will give you 20 more years of a wonderful riding partnership!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
