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colt becoming bossy

20 17:21:06

hi ive just gotten a 12month colt he is being gelded in the next week.When i got him he was really pleasant but in the last couple of days hes becoming bossy[hes not allowed out yet because of not being gelded]im walking him on headcollar and leadrope and at first hes a good boy then he he becomes stroppy trying to bite and little bouncy rears when hes not allowed to get his own way.The yard ive got him on are not very constructive about this with comments like give him a good beating ,or scare him into submission, all i need is a clear explanation on how to deal with this in a way that is kind to him and i get to keep my teath lol also how long does it take for them to calm down after gelding, i want to give this little lad a chance hes already been messed abot already and a little sweetheart if a bit naughty thanks

Hi Elizabeth,
I would try to remember that there are many stallions that are very well behaved, so this guy not being gelded yet is not an excuse for him. That being said, its not him, its the situation. He is young and full of energy, and right now you are the only outlet for his playful horse energy. If it is just biting that is an issue I would look at how close you walk to him. If he was five feet behind you he could not bite you right?  I would practice shaking your rope to get him to step back out of your space. It sound easy but in the beginning he wont go back he will run off to the side or come into the pressure, just keep it up and when he is a bit away from you and turns to look at you like 'what the heck is this", stop. You want him to know that if he gives you his attention the pressure goes away. I think a ton of these issues will get better as soon as you geld him and turn him out with friends, let them be the ones to teach him about space issues. Its tricky because he has never learned to have manners and now he has no outlet except for you. Try this out and let me know how it goes, and remember its better to have him circling you while you walk then to have him right next to you and be bitten.
Best Wishes,