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horse advice please

21 8:55:16

hi, i have a 15 yr. old quarter horse mare... she is out in pasture and can go in barn when ever she wants.  she is trying to bite me when i do her cinch.  and she won't let me get on anymore.  she also is breathing funny. she does everthing i want if I could get on her. she tries to kick when you put your foot in the stirrup.  I love Molly so much please help me so I can help her.  Thank you very much , Amanda

Hi Amanda!

First, let's address your horse's well-being...It sounds like she might be "heevy" a slang word for a breathing problem that is usually found in horses her age and cannot be cured, just managed.  A vet needs to look at her and ask you questions about when it seems to happen so she can prescribe a course of action.  Sometimes it's as easy as a feed/hay change and sometimes it requires medication.

Until you resolve this issue with a vet, I cannot recommend you ride her.  If she is diagnosed withit, is that why she is not letting you ride her?  I would say no, more likely she is testing you and you are letting her get away with it so she just keeps being bad.

Still, you are putting her in a truly uncomfortable situation by making her ride at this point.  Please have a vet check her as soon as possible.

Then,when she is cleared to ride, you can work on her behaviour issues safely.

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
