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My Horse Wont Stand Still.

21 8:55:16

Hi, i am having trouble with my horse, everytime i groom him, he insists on walking around, and just wont keep still. He's not always been like this,i've has him for ten years.  but these days, some days, he just wont stand still to be brushed. Also when i pick up his feet, front ones, he slams the ground with them before i've finished. Its really naughty.
When stood infront of him, he also shoves you with his nose, and it hurts sometimes. Its really getting me down now because i keep thiking that he doesnt like me can u help with any tips etc? many thanks.  

Your horse is definitely showing you he thinks you are his playmate not his boss. Horses naturally want a leader to follow, he is inviting you to play with him or learn to become his leader. When he is moving when you groom him have your lead rope over your arm and as soon as he moves bump him with your lead rope and wait for him to be still. When he is still continue grooming him. Now you have to be present to the fact that we are focusing on training him to hold still, not get the groom job done. So play with grooming him, keep your feet still and groom one area at a time, and when he moves bump bump with the lead. This shows him his options, hold still and you get groomed or wiggle and I will bump or wiggle the lead. Soon he will realize that standing still is easier. Keep this up every time you groom. With his feet its the same idea, we dont care about cleaning the feet, we want to show him that when he is soft with his feet he gets his foot back. When he slams it down he has to pick it up again, have it wiggled around and wait until he feels soft to place it down. Take some time to work on these things and start to notice if there may be symptoms similar to this going on in the arena.
Good Luck, let me know how this works out for you.
Best Wishes