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horse behaviour with electric fence

20 17:18:53

My son is installing a wire farm fence for his two horses which he just acquired. And he intends to also install an electric wire on the finished fence. I was told that horses can become skittish and difficult to take in and out of the fence if it is electrified. Is this so? Are there ways to handle this problem? Or should he not install the electric part?

I have an electric fence and a wire farm fence for my horses and they have never been skittish or difficult to take in and out of the fence. To be honest an electric fence is the best fence anyone can use to keep their horses in because they wont push against it at all. The most a horse will do when walking out of the pasture with its handler is turn its butt away from the fence because it thinks the fence may shock it but the horses should not be skittish around the fence what so ever. But if your horses ever do get skittish while walking in and out of the pasture you should work on gaining more trust from your horse, and constantly walk in and out of the entrance the horse should get use to it real quick.

Install the electric fence, because your horses will most likely be using the wire farm fence and posts to rub and reach over to do who knows what if that hot wire isn't installed. The hot wire fence will save you hundreds of dollars in fence repairs in the long run and keep your horses safe.

I hope I was helpful and I hope your son does a wonderful job on that fence! Good luck!