Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > cribbing: Rick Gore Horsemanship

cribbing: Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:23:41

Looking to buy a new QH gelding 6 yrs old. Rode him 3 different times, pretty nice horse, good manners, trained well, easy keeper. I want to know what you think of cribbers? He is a cribber, has been since he was young (I was told) hes out on 50 acres of pasture only brought in to come and ride then turned back out with 10 or so others. Many tell me hes not worth buying if hes a cribber, not to buy him at all. I really don't see it as too big of a problem, if I bring him home, he will be on a huge pasture 24/7 with 3 other geldings, rode (working for local showing) probably 4-5 times per week 45-60 minutes per day. Is cribber still a good horse?

All cribbing is a vice created by people that locked this horse up. That act needs to be replaced with something else. All horses are good, but this can be a pain if the horse is stalled, if out in pasture, you might have to do some things to discourage this if he dose it, you wrap where the hose cribs with barbed  wire or hot wire, the make paint don't know if it works, I am not a fan of the collar, you can use a grazing muzzle so he can eat but not grab anything to crib on, once you prevent for a month or so it should go away, like smoking or other addictive things, if it is easy it will continue.

I discuss this on my website:

I also talk about in some of my videos on youtube:
