Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Mean horse

Mean horse

20 17:19:11

We have a gelding that is extremely mean to any other horses. Is there anything we can do to make him more friendly?

Most male horses have this problem, and really there isn't much you can really do except to punish him whenever he starts acting up. Sometimes it's just their personality other times it's just how they just aren't getting out and meeting other horses enough. Try to get him out there to meet and greet more horses and punish him when he starts acting up (start spinning him around in circles.).

If your horse also kicks when horses get near him put a red ribbon in his tail, it tells people that they should get too close or run up on your horse. (and if your riding with/around little kids most of them don't pay any attention so you'll have to remind them not to ride up on you.)

It may take quite a bit of time but my answer doesn't work within the first two months go ahead and ask this to another expert.