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scared or stubborn

21 8:55:37

I bought a 3 yr old welch pony for my daughter. The owner said he had been under saddle for 3 months. When we looked at him he was calm and even let my daughter on his back ( she has riding experience). I took him home and now he wont let anyone near his back and is very jumpy. I work him on a lunge line every morning with and without a saddle. I have been putting pressure on the saddle somtimes he stands sometimes he jumps away. The lady I bought him from said that she had to be very "firm" with him the first few times (stud chain) or he wont respect me. Im not sure if he has been mistreated by the woman and hes scared or if he really is trying to take advantage of me. . please help

I do not think your pony is trying to be difficult, I think he truly does not understand. He is a colt, and the saying is quite true that "green on green makes black and blue." If your daughter is set on keeping this pony she should hook up with a Natural Horsemanship instructor in your area. I am sure it is a nice pony who you could sell for what you baught him for, go and buy an older experienced pony that your daughter can start riding and having fun with now. So you two just need to decide what kind of horse experience do you want to have? This pony could teach you both all about working with young horses and teaching them to learn, or you could find a great home for him and get a pony who is already ready to ride.
If you decide this is the pony for you please feel free to contact me with any questions about specific issues.
Best Wishes.