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mare wont back up???

21 8:55:35

hi i have a 5 yr old paint mare that will do anything i ask of her except back up. i can pull back on reins or the lead rope or stand in front of her and push all day but i cant get one step out of her. so could you tell me what i am doing wrong? as far as neck reining, stoping and going, and rideing, she is great. it just seems like she has no reverse. were do i begin.


Hi Cory!

It sounds like you have a nice little mare that just doesn't understand what you want her to do.  Pretty easy to fix, really.

The morning you are going to start these exercises, give her no grain...just plenty of hay and water.  Longe her lightly to get out all the sillies.  Take her to a safe, enclosed area other than her stall.  Have a helper hold a bucket of grain with a few treats she likes too.

While keeping her on the longe line and not holding or pulling her tightly ask her to back up with the command you want to use from the ground.  Example, the word "back" with a cluck or a kiss.  She will not do it, much as you expected.

Introduce a small crop to her by tapping it hard on her leg while continuing to say the same command.  The tapping may have to increase in strength to get her attention but, DO NOT pull or shank her with the longe line.  Just contiuous, hard tapping.  If she steps back one inch....praise her allot and give her a treat and a handful of grain.

If she still won't move then you have to tap, tap, TAP (Harder) and then SMACK!! Right on the leg.  She will move back and quick! Give her a treat and grain.

Contiue with the crop and food, always using the same command.

Soon you will only have to show her the crop and she will understand what you want.

Now, saddle her up and have the helper on the ground with the grain and treats.  Give her the command you will use from the saddle and ask her to back up.  If she does not, have the helper show her the crop and tap, tap, TAP - SMACK!  She backs up and she gets her treats.

You will probably have to do this for several days in a row and then just a few times after to remind her.

Remember to not push her either phsyically or mentally.  She is still very young and you do not want to make her throw a fit because she gets huffy and confused.

Go slow and make the lesson stick in her mind.  Each lesson has to be only 5 or 10 minutes long but, repeated every day until she is easily doing it.

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI aprroved helmet!
