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Testosterone issues - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:19:51

I'm really interested in buying a paint 'supposed to be gelding'. But, the owners said when they went to get him gelded, one testee was up inside the horse so the vet only got to cut off one. And now that the other one had come down, he's meaner than ever. They said he bit the heck out of one person. I really want to know how I could get him calmed down enough to go and get the other one removed so I'll have a very nice horse, I really like him a lot and if I can get him all nice again, my dad will try to buy him for me.
~ Thanks for reading

he is not mean from having one testes. There lots of very nice stallions that still have both testes. Whats makes a horse mean is people that don't understand them, they lock them up, they are scared of them and treat them like they are mean so they become mean or they are loved by ignorant people that think love teaches a horse and then the horse learns to be mean to keep loving idiots out of his face.

I would get the other testes removed and over time the horse will have less dominance drive IF HE IS KEPT AND HANDLED PROPERLY. It he is handled wrong, it will not matter, people make horses good or bad, not testicles.