Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > sticking tongue out - thirst

sticking tongue out - thirst

20 17:20:02

sticking tongue out
sticking tongue out  
hello ma'am, i believe horses stick their tongue out to a side in the stall is out of thirst for water. am i correct?

I have seen horses stick out their tongues from boredom....some will play with their tongues....if they do it because they are thirsty I am not aware of this.

Horses will stick out their tongues when ridden if the bit hurts them and they are trying to relieve the pressure. Then people will actually tie the horse's tongue down so that they cannot do this, or put a tight nose band on the horse, instead of finding the source and removing it.

Do you do these illustrations? They are great!

You should be an illustrator.