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Dangerous pony

21 8:55:09

14.3, highlandxtb, 13. 24 hr turnout. No extra feed. Regularly used jumping, hacking. For no reason starts kicking with right back leg and shivering down this side. Like a fly or similar irritation. Then bucks and leaps. Does it on ground, with or without rider. Checked muscles, back and no abnormality. Vet thinks kissing spine but not sure. Too dangerous to ride, sell on etc so may be put down for safety reasons. I have ridden /broken ponies for 30 yrs never seen like, but is scary as unpredictable.

Hello J Downie!

This is not a training question. I cannot help you in that capacity. If you are serious about keeping this pony you will need to speak with several vets to get the whole picture. There may be further testing medically which could aid in diagnosing the problem.

If you are not willing to investigate this further I feel that humane euthanasia may be the only course. This pony will seriously injure itself or others.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet.