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Behavour Problems with a Mustang

20 17:23:50

My Mustang is 4yrs old, adopted last year and was virtually ready to ride, but due to unforseen circumstances was turned loose for 4 months. On his return he seemed ok,but the last two days is acting as though he has never been touched, cow kicking (never done this before) reluctant to be caught, very wary, acting as though he is starving.  Any ideas need help

Hi Norma,
              Was he loose in a pasture where he had hay or somewhere else? To be begin with, I would put him in a smaller area and start to work with him as though he is still wild. Spend time with him and just groom or scratch him. Have the Vet give him a complete exam to make sure that there are no medical issues. You should also make sure that he has free choice hay and a mineral block. That will help with the hunger.
