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horse peeping through the window

20 17:20:26

horse peeping through the window
horse peeping through  
hello ma'am, why horses peep through the window like this in their stall. are they feeling bored or their attention is on something outside the stable killing their boredom?

Hello Rohit,

I will take this question a bit further.....
Yes, they are bored in their stall. I believe that people should build a stall so that horses are allowed to put their heads over a window or the front of their stall to look out.

It is unnatural for a horse to be confined, but of course sometimes necessary for the way in which we use them. Horses usually do best if they can be turned out 24/7 with turn- out sheds available. (three sided sheds for protection from the wind, rain, and sun.

But of course this is not possible in many situations. There are some stables that I go to that have no way for the horse to look out. It is akin to being in a jail cell. I am not being anthropomorphic. I have seen many horses get less depressed and more alert and amiable when allowed to hang their heads out and look up.It also cuts down on vices such as weaving and cribbing.

Mitzi Summers