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not sure how to approach

20 17:20:26

Hi Rick, thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge, I enjoy your videos and believe they have helped me a lot. I am very new to horses, only riding about 3 months,went to a trainer who I asked to teach me not only how to ride but to care for the horse( feet, teeth, coat etc). This trainer taught me bareback to teach my balance.  I was lucky enough to be given a retired police horse,retired because he won't tie to the trailer, on duty he was tied off outside their trailer, the trailer got hit with lightening and now when he is tied to it, he will seem to be ok, then suddenly rear up. He loads fine, and will ?ground tie-stand still for me, so I try not to make him stay near the outside of the trailer. He follows me around like a dog when I go out to the pasture- I can't get him to lunge on a line,I remind myself of your video with your friend on your video trying to send your horse out,and like the video the horse, just stands there staring at me. The other day while riding the trail, my fault, I wasn't paying attention, and suddenly he bolted forward then spun 360,not sure if a snake, or bear was around...? since I wasn't paying attention I landed on my butt-he stopped looking down at me, luckily didn't bolt off- but the others I ride with say it is because he has no respect for me, that he is always in my space, and if I made him respect me, he wouldn't spook-my question, am I wrong, letting him walk up to me when I enter the field, the only time I make him step back is when I am feeding him, I tell him back, he will step back and wait for me to allow him forward to his feed bucket,I did this, because he was real pushy about getting feed when I first got him, he lifts his feet without problem for me,..I want to be fair, I think I can be firm, but I don't want to be a bully .I guess my question is, will I confuse the horse, or change his trust in me,or will I make him a better horse, if I start changing, do I have to make him get away from me,stop following me, get someone to help me lunge or round pen him. I don't think him spooking the other day was his fault, but the other riders say he wouldn't spook if he had confidence in me? I am addicted to spending time with my horse, I wish I did this years ago, but I want to do right by him. I am going to continue to read and watch your advice, thanks again, Mo

You need to watch more of my videos and read my site. I somewhat agree you are not helping the horse as much as you could. Park a trailer next to where you tie the horse and get it closer and closer each day, in a few weeks you should have the trailer next to horse, after a week of so of tying horse next to trailer on an UNBREAKABLE TIE POINT AND ROPE HALTER AND UNBREAKABLE ROPE, the horse will get over his fear.

You sound like you have lots of excuses for why this can't do something. This horse is a reflection of you and your fears and you insecurity. None of this is horse issue.