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How to brake a horse

20 17:20:09

How to brake a horse from wonting to stay home see when I take the horse to the spot that I get on him at and get on him he will turn around and go back home him self
If I try to turn him back around the way I won't him he will just get act crazy and get his way so I need to no how to brake him out of that

This is not a horse problem. You are failing to control him, you are not giving enough good direction, you need to learn how to communicate with him.

If you had watched  my videos and read my web site you would not be asking this  question and you sure would not be calling your horse a name like crazy.  A horse is a mirror of the person, if you call your horse crazy, then that  is telling me you do not understand a horse and you are blaming the horse for your lack or understanding and knowledge of horses.

If this is able  to go back to the barn then  you obviously do not have enough control to be riding this horse yet.

I suggest you read  my site and watch my videos so you have a better understanding of what is going on.  I assure you this horse would not go back to the barn if I was riding him? But I understand horses.

You are going to get yourself or this horse hurt, slow down, back up and start over after you learn more yourself.