Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > gaited horse - Rick Gore Horsemanship

gaited horse - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:23:37

I have a four year old tennessee walking horse. I have read all the literature I can, and tried everything I've read and still cannot get my horse to do a running walk. He paces. Do you have suggestiions on how I can ask my horse for a running walk?  

I really doubt if you have read all that you can.  My web site alone is over 400 pages with links to 1000's of additional horse info. The horse is only four, don't know how long you have had it, but the horse is still a colt and is not even a horse until 5 yrs old.

The horse knows how to be a horse, you need to learn how to better communicate with the horse so he understands what you want and so he knows how to give it to you.

The fact that you think someone can fix this or give you an answer that will work over an email tells me that you don't know near as much as you might think.

If you want a better horse, you have to get better.  This is not a horse problem it is a people problem.