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Starting a pregnant mare?

21 8:54:40

Would it be okay for me to start under saddle my pregnant mare who is 3 1/2 years old and is 5 months pregnant?   If not, how long after foaling should I wait?

Hi Monika!

In my professional opinion....Do what the vet says.  Have her examined as every horse's health is different.

My personal advice....Wait until she is delivered safely of the foal, weaning is completed and the two are separated completely ~ physically and emotionally.  Then, she should be ready to put her full and undivided attention on you and your training.

This pause in her training will not affect her as a riding partner to a human.  Why complicate matters and make her try to do something so new when she is dealing with her first (I'm assuming) pregnancy?  That is enough for such a young mare to deal with!

Keep her mind busy with solid ground training and keep her body healthy, especially in the last trimester as the baby is growing vital internal organs at that point.  Ask your vet if there are any extra nutritional supplements she should be taking to increase the probability of a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery and most of all, a perfect newborn!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
