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Breeding and Biting

21 8:54:56

I have a throughbred/appaloosa mare and I would love to breed her with a appaloosa, but when I look online its $500 stud fee. Is it always that expensive or am I just looking in the wrong spot? Also Im having some trouble with her biting. She bites whenever I put her saddle on and if I tie her or have someone hold her so she cant bite she seems to lift her foot up as if to tell me that shes going to kick me if I put the saddle on.She did this when I got her, but stopped for a while and has started again. Thank you for your time, Becky

Hi Becky,
          Stud fees vary from stallion to stallion. They can be as low as the $500 you have found up to $15,000 which one Appaloosa sire I know of gets.

Your mares biting sounds as though it is coming from her having a pain issue. I would have your mare checked out by an equine Chiropractor and if they do not have one a vet to rule out back and neck trouble.
