Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > napping


20 17:45:00

Hi there, I would be really grateful if you would give some advice on some behavioural problems I am having with my 4 year old Highland. For back ground, I acquired him 6 months ago from someone who had ridden him/trained him only moderately; he is turned out all year round with another (bossy) Highland and has a lovely nature, most of the time! He has progressed well with what were some problem areas such as being tacked up and shoed. I have not schooled him but only hacked out so far. He has 'hunters bump' but has been checked by a VET and moves well.
What has worsened is his propensity to nap while hacking. He started doing this by a field we pass often with other horses in it, but now, especially on longer rides, will do this frequently for no apparent cause. He will just stop and refuse to go forward, no use of the leg or crop will make him go on and he is prepared to stand for very long periods of time. Sometimes I will just dismount and walk him forward although recently doing this was almost not enough to get him to move. A worrying thing happened recently on a longer ride when after much napping, he actually lay down (while I was on him!) and appeared to go to sleep. After about 5 minues of pulling and pushing he got up and we headed for home which he seemed happier to do than go on.
You may think I am wrong but I am thinking that one of the biggest problems here is his age, lack of training and having an inexperienced rider in that although I have ridden for many years I am not used to having such a green horse. Do you think this is the case and if so, how should I proceed? I am not sure whether I should be taking him out more (we get out once a week), school him, lunge him, socialise him more with other horses, or some other tactic?
He is a really lovely pony who I think has great promise but I am worried that I am not doing him justice.
Any advice would be gratefully received! Heather.

Hi Heather!

Yes you are quite right on all counts....he is very young (ponies mature very s-l-o-w-l-y) he is completely untrained and you are inexperienced with such a green horse so both of you are just floundering about.  He appears to have a solid and unflappable personality so he resorts to napping and other passive behaviours instead of hot stuff like rearing, bucking, flying off.  That is frustrating but, good in the long run.  More "whoa" than "go" is good sometimes.

What to do?

Stop hacking him out and expecting a miracle one day where he will just turn into a beautiful riding pony.  You both need work in the ring and longeing round pen.

Start with the basics.  He knows a little so things will go quickly in the beginning until you reach his ignorance and then the work will begin.  I do not think you should attempt to do this yourself.  Speak to your vet, farrier, tack shop or local Pony Club chapter and have them recommend a pony trainer.  Have the trainer out to evaluate your situation and discuss your goals.  Get your little guy into a formal training program where you both learn to move forward (no pun intended) together.

He does sound like a diamond in the rough and spending a little time polishing him up now will give you 20 more years of a wonderful riding partnership  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
