Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > my daughters show pony

my daughters show pony

20 17:57:14

My 7 year old daughter has a pony that she has been riding for about 5 months. He has always behaved very well. about a month ago i bought myself a new mare and now he acts terrible. I can haul him to shows with my mare and he will rear up and buck when my daughter gets on him and he never acted this way. I can haul him to shows without my mare and he acts like a perfect gentleman. I need to know how to get him out of this. I don't want my daughter to get hurt and she doesn't want to quit showing. If i were to move him to a different farm would that make a difference or does that just cover up the problem. please help me by telling me how to fix this. The pony does barrels and poles so we show at alot of jr. rodeos and i would love to have it where my daughter and i can both show but right now i don't take my mare anywhere because of toby's behavior. thank you very much.

Hi Brandie,
It sounds like Toby needs to rethink things.  I'm not sure how your set up at home but don't pasture them togther or stall them next to each other.  They are going to have to learn to be apart.  When you haul to a show put a little vicks in Toby's nose so he can't smell your mare and tie her out of site. (to a friends trailer or if that won't work, the other side of the trailer so he can't see your mare).  I understand your concerns with your daughter being just 7, the last thing you want to do is have Toby's pony attitude get her hurt.  He is going to have to learn that he can't be with your mare all of the time - it's a hard lesson for some of them.  I've seen this a bunch and it has always worked - remove the mare from his sight and remove her smell from his nose and he shouldn't even know she is there.  Your going to have to have a firm hand with him and when his behavior gets out of line where he is rearing and bucking with your daughter - it's time for some correction. Cause and effect - he does this - you do that. simple and easy for him to understand.  Ride them together at home and then leave eachother - your going to have to work on these issues (again with a firm hand) so when you go to the shows you can concentrate on showing and not on "If Toby lets us". If I can help further please let me know. Good luck to you.
