Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > putting on a tongue strap

putting on a tongue strap

20 17:20:57

hello ma'am, i really dont understand when can i put on a tongue strap on a horse?

ma'am, i have observed many trainers putting on a tongue strap when they add cross noseband. may i know why?

Hello Rohit,

Do you mean tying the horse's tongue down with a strap or cloth? They are allowed to do this to Thoroughbred and Standardbred race horses in this country (USA) and it is a terrible practice. It should not be allowed.

In my opinion it demonstrates a lack of ability, empathy, feeling, and moral understanding  of the trainer. If the practice was outlawed, it would put require trainers to hopefully find out WHY the horse is having a problem (probably pain) and get them to fix it.