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aggressive horse

20 17:43:34

hello I am asking about my horse saturn he is a 9 year old gelding and every time that I try to walk him around on his halter he gets so aggressive that he pins his ears back and tries to run you over.Plus he thinks he is the most powerful horse we have which is not true because our horse rocket is the most dominant.saturn also likes to kick my mare star in the face all the time and he tries to mount her when she is not in heat.please can you help me or we are going to have to sell him.

Hi Madison:
How long have you had him for? He could have had a bad experience with the Halter.
I would recommend a Bach Flower Remedie called Chicory it's for animals who think they own their masters, and Heather which is for horses who have to be the center of attention. I would recommend, leaving his halter on in a small pasture or area with the lead rope on where someone can watch him so he doesn't get hurt. This will teach him to give to pressure, also not to pull back against you or where he is being tied. I would also work with him in an arena, to just walk him one or two steps and pat him and give him a treat and do that until you can walk freely without him trying to run you over.

Anymore questions, feel free to contact me,