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can you help me?

21 8:55:21

Would like to know if you would be able to tell me how to get our 3 yr old quarter horse started on barrells.  she is completly kid broke and fallows all comands and will do anything that you ask of her but we don't know where to start.

Hi Candy!

I have to be honest and say I do not have a clue as to how to start a QH to barrel racing ~ Sorry!

But, I would have to suggest that you start with the basics that your horse should know very well before moving onto the more complicated movements required in barrels.

Make sure she will not run with the bit when you ask her to go all out and that she will not just go bucking off either.

I would recommend a knowledgeable person or trainer in your area to get you started on some excersises for her and you too.  You are half this team, right?

Do not try to just do it on your own as you may really hurt your mare's training or even hurt yourself.

She is very young and you said she has a good mind, so you should do all you can to keep it that way...invest time and a little money into her training at this crucial period in her riding career.  She will be a better horse because you are an informed owner  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
