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Feeding time in the paddock

20 17:44:24

I have recently bought a paint mare and foal. I have successfully introduced them to my 3year old gelding. My gelding had perfect meal time manners. He always stood away from the gate, and waited for me to put his meal out.  Now with the mare and 5 month colt, things have become hectic for me.  They all run up to me in the paddock, the mare is now in charge and is respectful of me, but goes after my gelding who doesn't understand the new order. The colt just hops into to his Mum's feed, but my gelding is all over the place. I would like your advice as how I regain control in this area, that used to be so pleasurable.  I live in Queensland Australia, so they are in a paddock and I have no stables available. Thanks.

Hi Sue, your horses are just being normal horses.  Before your three year old had no competition for food so feeding was just you bring him food.  Anytime you feed in a herd you should always provide multiple piles and locations for food.  This way when one horse is pushed off food, they simply move to another pile and no problems.  Later after the herd hierarchy has been established and worked out, then you can slowly put piles of food closer and closer and soon go back to one pile and they will share.

You have other things going on right now with the introduction of new herd members.  The mare will push the gelding around a bit and they will work out who is higher and who is lower, after a week or so their disagreements will get less and less.  Mom will have to feel comfortable with trusting the gelding with her baby, so it will take time.

The easy fix is just provide two or three piles of food so they can move and test each pile, soon the baby will eat with the gelding and mom will feel comfortable.

You can read more about herd behavior on my site under my horsemanship page.
