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General knowledge - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:21:18

What is the correct word for when a horse shys?

It depends. You can use what ever word you want, but to truly understand what is going on is more important than what word is used. A horse can shy, balk, spook, flinch, react, jump, show concern or whatever you want to call it. Horses are prey animals, their fear and flight response is strong and instinctual. It is normal and a horse has to be trained to ignore it or deal with it differently.

Knowing this helps the horse grow and improve. Anyone can blame or label a horse but if you take the time to understand and see the world from a horse's point of view, then you can look deeper and see what is really going on and better understand how to help the horse get better in our human world.


Read my site:

And watch my videos on youtube:

I explain this in detail and try and show how horses think and live.