Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > My mare has gone crazy!

My mare has gone crazy!

20 17:24:04

Hi, I have a mare that I saddlebroke myself. She was doing very well, she was gentle and safe and all around just a gem. I had to take 2 months off training and riding her and now she has decided she's not saddlebroke anymore. She has gotten to the point where it takes 2 people and about 30 minutes to bridle her. She pulls back when tied if she sees or even suspects the bridle. She has broken multiple halters and lead ropes. We managed to macguyver a system so she isnt breaking our halters anymore but she isn't getting any better, in fact shes getting worse. When we do manage to bridle her, she stands to be saddled but flips out when you try to mount her. She has this wierd habit of backing up really fast and then falling over. I can't seem to make any progress with her no matter what I do. I've tried everything I can think of, as far as I can see the bridle fits her well and I don't think she has any problems with her teeth. If I can manage to get her bridled, saddled, and mounted though, she's very well behaved. I don't understand what's happening with her. Any advice you have would be GREAT.


I have many ideas but first she needs a complete physical to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with her. Until you know she is not in pain or has Lyme Diseas or EPM,)or whatever)  you cannot continue with a program of training.

As soon as you know, contact me here or at,

There is something major going on here as you know. Forcing her is not the answer, especially as she once was all right. If we determine to go ahead with training, you need to do TTouch and other methods which I will lead you through.

Get back to me, please. I feel badly for you AND your mare!!!
