Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > western


20 17:43:00

dear sir
can you tell me why in westerns do the horses always fall to the left when they go over this maybe a stupid question but it has puzzled me for years  thanks
   dave wall

Hi Dave!

Great question!  If you notice when the horse falls to the left it is because the rider has taken the right rein and pulled the horses head around to the right.  If the horse does not know how to follow the feel and knows the connection between the rein and the feet, PLOP!  Over they go!  You can get the horse to fall just as easy to the right as to the left.  All you have to do is NOT teach the horse to follow a feel, leave the feet stuck and braced and just pull the head around.   Pull to the right and the horse falls left, pull to the left and the horse falls right!  You can do this at a walk, trot or even better at the canter.  If you know what you are trying to do, you can escape this stupidity without breaking your feet.

Many people today with the surge in "Natural Horsemanship"  a silly concept in itself, will pull the horse over while trying to learn the "one rein stop".  If you don't get to the horses FEET, you will end up looking like a cowboy in an old "B" western!  And PLOP, down you go!  I really HATE seeing movie horses pulled off their feet.  It is SO disrespectful to the horse and makes me cringe.  

I'm glad you asked this question Dave!  If you know how to cause trouble you will also know how to avoid it!  

PLEASE...don't try this at home!!!

Smiles!  Denise

Hi again Dave!!!

I need to add a little something to my answer, if you really LOVE westerns, check out what todays REAL cowboys are doing...go to:  "The Californios Competition"  You will LOVE it!  It is the real deal.

The competition is by invitation only and takes place in Red Bluff California each year in April.  It is real ranch roping using a riata, a hand braided, rawhide,  lass rope (they can cost up to $750.00 dollars each) and  60' long lass ropes.  It is spectacular to watch.  The folks invited to participate are the best of the best.  My teachers, Buck Brannaman and Bryan Neubert are regulars at the competition.  I think another teacher, Ricky Quinn will be on Bucks team for the '09 competition.  

These guys compete and are judged on the quality of their horsemanship and their ability to work the herd.  It is a joy to watch.  In the Big Bull doctoring contest it is a white knuckle day from beginning to end.  Amazing to see the art in handling very, very large and angry bulls.  They also show their skill at cutting, reining and working cow patterns.  

The art alone is well worth going to see.  Handmade saddles, bridles and a bit makers contest highlight the trade show.  I'm not sure how many more years this competition will continue.  If you EVER have the chance to visit Red Bluff and watch this event, it truly is special.   Check it out!  I never miss it!  

Smiles, again!  Denise