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Lowering her head

20 17:20:56

I have an 18 year old Quarter Pony mare who I'm trying to get into shape. She likes to ride with her head high and I want to know how I can get her to lower it while we ride. Any tips? (She's sensitive but stubborn)

Hello Maddison,

There are many factors to consider. The first thing you have to do with your older mare is to
condition her physically so that she IS able to engage her haunches, lift her back with her haunches, stretch through her topline, soften her poll and then chew and relax her jaw.

There are many articles you will see and many gadgets advertised that talk about getting a horse's head down. Many do not take into consideration the fact that when the horse's BODY is correct, the head position will follow. Do not try to force your horse's head into a position or you will take the chance of injuring your horse physically or causing her pain and discomfort. Some of the methods used....yanking on a horse's head or tying it down are cruel and abusive.

Your mare may be limited at her age to make major changes in the muscle groups in her body.She may be ready to start to round right is difficult to tell without seeing her.  My email is if you can send me a picture or film of her. You may need to lunge her correctly and allow her to learn how to stretch through her topline.

The RIDER is very important in this situation. Your hands have to be receiving.....and your seat independent enough to ask her to come FORWARD into your hands.When I teach riders to learn to round their horses, which results in lowering their heads, I usually need to get them to FEEL and then to learn the "formula" to accomplishing this. (Seat and legs into hands.) Remember to work on forward, calm, rhythm and tempo.

Be sure to write back to EXPERTS if you have more questions.I have articles on my website that may