Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > minis


20 17:24:03

Hi! i have a miniature horse named nevada. i am training him to do mini trail and he is very good. However he has a hard time stepping over logs and poles without touching them. Can you tell me how to teach him to do that?

Hello Allison,

First make certain that the logs and poles are not too big a diameter for him. Remember how little those legs are.What you are initially asking him to step over should not roll if he does hit it nor should it have any sharp edges.If he hits himself while stepping over he may start to get nervous about it and that is the last thing that you want to happen.

Watch his normal walk. Does he shuffle or does he walk with animation and some lift to his walk? By using your body language and using half halts on the lead rope, you can teach him to do a collected walk, which will help him be more balanced and put more weight on his haunches and thus be more agile.

At first have the poles a stride or two apart and have only two. When you are right in front of the pole use a dressage whip to tap the pole to get his attention. You want his head down a bit to look at the pole. You can use the whip to LIGHTLY tap his front feet.This brings awareness to him, and he will be more aware of where he is putting his feet. Make sure you do this so that he is not startled. This is NOT to punish, just to make him aware of poles, where they are, and where his feet are. Some horses actually do not have a good awareness of their body.

Let me know how it is going. I judge Mini shows and love to work with them.
