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halter training a 4 month old filly colt that has never been messed with.

21 8:55:15

i just got a mare and her 4 month old filly colt. when we got them they havent been messed with for 4 years, so the colt hasnt been around any people. shes letting us touch her . we are trying to let her get use to us enough to put a halter on her. what is some ways we could train to let us put a halter on her?

Since you have time start with using the halter to pet her. Once she is fine with it all over, even around her head go like you are putting it on and dont. Do this several times. Then go like you are going to tie it up and dont. Again repeat this. You want to give her the feeling that you are not forcing this halter on her but rather getting her so comfy with it you kind of bore her. Sounds like you have a good start so far, try these things out and let me know how it goes!
Best Wishes