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horse balking

20 17:33:42

When can I start training a mare with colt? My eight year old mare with 3 month old colt will not go when I am on her. I don't know if I am trying to soon or if she is being stubborn and I should keep working with her.

Hi Amanda!

WHOA!!!  Just wait a few more months until you wean your colt.  She is NOT being stubborn.  She is only doing what she thinks she needs to do to survive and keep her baby safe.  Now is NOT the time to start training a green mare.  Let her get to know you and build trust and confidence.  There will be plenty of time later to start her.

Right now you need to be doing your home work and preparing to  start both colt and mare.  Start going through my past answers on colt starting, go  through the resource list on my website, watch the ground work DVD by Buck Brannaman.  All of these things will make a huge difference in your horsemanship and show you the things you will need to teach this pair and help them to become valuable performance horses.

Keep me posted!  

Smiles,  Denise