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riding trouble

20 17:26:25

My horse has a riding problem. When i take him out riding, he doesn't like to go in a certain direction. he can only spin in one direction as well, the right side. The problem is that he will not go left. What should i do? He was a hack bit, could that be the problem? Lately, he doesn't me to come up to him. He begins to run away when i go to him. how do i cure his issues?

Hi Sam,
I would go up to him in the field and when you get to him pet him and walk away, don't let it always be predictable that when you show up its time to go to work. As far as the going one direction I would work him the direction he will go and after a while offer to walk and take a break the other direction, if he does not want to go say "great! Lets go back to work on the side YOU like!!" Keep working him and after a while offer to just walk if he goes the other way. Pretty soon he will see that you're giving him a pretty good deal. Don't get greedy and ask him to work the new direction yet, take your time and pretty soon he will come out asking to go the other direction, that's when you can slowly start to go back to work.
Let me know how he turns out for you,
Caitlin Day Huntress