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serious question from a not petty horse lover: Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:22:51

i have a mare i have been riding for going on 4 years now. she is very grouchy,people are afraid of her by her behavior, but she has never been disrespectful to me until last spring. we barrel race, run poles and dash is her favorite, because its fast and essentially a straight line. barrels...not so much. she will smash my leg into the first barrel almost every time. i have come to accept she hates them. i don't know what happened to her the first 6 years of her life, but i have only been good to her. discipline when needed, never beat. here is my problem. out in the open, weather we are trail riding or in the fields or in the woods, she will get very irritated at random times for no reason. we can even be riding with all the other horses together. she will spin, refuse to go forward, back up, coil up on her back legs, spring straight up in the air, land and then leap forward and plant her front legs. I cant get her to stop. its quite violent. i love this stupid mare. i just want to fix this. i have tried a wire bonnet-worthless. i have tried a tie down, loose and tight-worthless, and ashamed to say, blind folded her at my father in laws advice because "a horse wont rear if it cant see where its going"-bullshit! I'm at a loss. i don't want to get rid of her, she is the fastest horse I've ever ridden and a beautiful paint mare, but i also don't want to get badly hurt on her. my husband is ready to get rid of her. any advice? i will not complain about your advice, i promise.

You obviously have not read my website or watched my videos. You made this horse what it is. You taught it everything it is doing. If I was your horse I would be grouchy too. You call the horse stupid, you use tie downs, you have blindfolded the poor horse.  You want to say the horse gets irritated at random times I say you do this and that is why the horse does it.

A horse is only a reflection of the person riding it or handling it, that's You.  Everything you described the horse as if YOU. You follow poor advice since you don't want to take the time and invest in learning the right way without the tricks and gimmicks you keep trying.  You have time to do it wrong over and over again and then want to blame the horse.  But you don't have time to do it right.

You have no relationship with this horse, you have a slave that you want  to run and use when you want something and take and take from the horse and never give back.  This horse is telling you this, but you are too busy blaming the horse to even consider you are causing all of this.

But Rick, she is fast and pretty....  If what you do and how you treat this horse is love, I would hate to see what you do to horses you don't like.  You have made this horse what it is in the last 4 years you owned and you want to try and explain the behavior away by saying you don't know what happened the first 6 years before you had have got to be kidding right?

Watch all my videos and read my website, if you don't take a good long hard look at yourself, then I can't you or your poor horse.