Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Rearing Youngster...

Rearing Youngster...

20 17:45:17

QUESTION: My 4 and a half year old horse has started occasionally rearing
he is very calm usually and doesn't do it maliciously
i know how to sit to it and it doesnt worry me as such
i just need to know how to discourage him without panicking him. can you help?

ANSWER: Hi Charlotte!

First off, let me say that rearing is never to be taken lightly.
Even if you currently feel secure riding through it this is a dangerous behavior that can easily become a life-long habit.
I suggest that you immediately stop riding him until you have a solid game plan in mind. It is paramount that no one becomes injured in this situation.

In order for me to help you I need you to answer a few questions for me...

How long have you owned him?
Who broke him?
Was it a professional trainer?
What discipline are you riding him?
What bit are you riding him in now?
Under what circumstances has he reared?

With that information I will be able to make an educated recommendation.

Good luck and always remember to wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How long have you owned him? about 6months
Who broke him? not sure about specific names - he came from a showjumper's stud farm
was it a professional trainer? yep
What discipline are you riding him? a bit of dressage, showjumping and some small xc fences
What bit are you riding him in now? rubber mouthed snaffle
Under what circumstances has he reared? when he's faced with something he doesnt want to do, or doesnt understand (i'm not sure which) eg. cross country water ; or if you collect him too quickly.

he doesnt rear all the time, i just dont want him to think  it's acceptable .. because i am aware they can fall backwards or whatever.

and yeah i'm a pony club member so they always check your hat and back protector.

Thank you for answering my questions so promptly.

I am going to assume that since you are a member of pony club you are under the age of 18.

I am seriously worried that you are being allowed to ride a rearing horse at such a young age.

You need to show this e-mail to your parents, pony club advisor or lesson instructor.

You need to stop riding this horse before you become seriously injured by a behavior you are not taking seriously.

There are not strong enough words for me to type to tell you how dangerous this situation is.

Heed my advice for your safety and the safety of the horse.
