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mustang training

20 17:22:10

I am going to be adopting a mustang.  The mustang will have gone through TIP.  I am looking for suggestions on training material and steps to go through to get this mustang under saddle using natural horsemanship.  I want to learn everything I possibly can.  I also plan on taking lessons from the TIP trainer.  I don't want to go into this unprepared or under educated.  Do you have ideas for any books, dvds or websites that would benefit me and my new horse?  I want to make sure this mustang isn't one of the many that aren't handle properly or enough and turn out to be a yard ornament.

Hi Suzette,
Wow!! Training a mustang is an undertaking. But the feeling of accomplishment when you're done is great. Training a mustang is no different than any other horse. It's still just a horse. The only difference is that you really have to work hard at earning it's trust. But once you earn it you will have a partner that will do anything for you.
May I suggest getting the Clinton Anderson "Starting Under Saddle" DVD series. It is extremely good and it is done with a BLM mustang. He takes you step by step through the process. From first touch to the 11th ride. I have found it to be the best series out there for mustangs. It can also be used on any other horse. It is 11 hrs of video with in depth explanations and hands on work. No standing around and lecturing.
I hope this has been of help to you. Good luck with your project and please stay safe.
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