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Centered Riding Clinic

20 17:20:42

Hi Mitzi!

You may remember me from the CHA clinic at Touchstone Farm in Temple NH last June.

I just communicated with Boo Martin last Friday asking about the next CHA clinic at Touchstone Farm, with a thought toward working for a higher level of CHA certification.
She confirmed that they'd be holding one in June, but I'm disappointed to learn that it sounds like someone else will be the clinician.
She also mentioned that you were conducting a Centered Riding Clinic last weekend!

I am crestfallen, heartbroken, kicking myself for not communicating with her or you sooner.
At the CHA clinic last June, I know you'd mentioned that you would be conducting a Centered Riding clinic in the fall, and I committed on the spot to participating.  I wish I had known sooner; I would have been there in a flash.

Are you holding any more Centered Riding Clinics nearby?  I would like to become certified, and also work toward a higher CHA certification level.

I hope you are well.  I often think of the wonderful week spent with you at Touchstone Farm last June, and what a pleasure and honor it was to work with you.  I send warmest greetings, and await your latest info on clinics.

Best wishes,

Cynthia Paquette

Hello Cynthia,

My regular email is

I just completed an Open Centered Riding Clinic  at Touchstone Sunday.
Boo booked me for several clinics there, one of which was a CHA clinic in June after
a 2 day TEACHING TECHNIQUES clinic which you may be interested in.

What is your regular email so we do not go through ASK AN EXPERT?