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Is this a good way to train him?

21 8:55:40

Our big sister is moving soon, up to Colorado. She is going with our grandparents to work with some horses. She promised to get us a horse, but only if
she can get us a horse with a promblem with trust.
Mom isn't sure thats a good idea, but she showed us
how she would help us train him. She would put him on a long lead in a pen and keep him running around until he put his head down, ears facing her, and chewing at the air. Then she would stop him and bring him in for the day. She did this with her trainer's violent horse and when she was done she could go in the pen and hug her. So we think its a good idea. Is this ok?

Hello. :)

Thanks for your question on your sisters training method.

What you have described sounds a lot like join-up, but it is missing a few key elements that make it really safe and effective. Your sister is right to look for the signs that you explained to me, however once they are achieved you don't just stop and quit. Instead when you get those results you need to try and convince the horse to turn and face you in the center of the roundpen. Eventually you want the horse to turn and face and come to you, and follow you without any encouragement to do so.

Perhaps this is what your sister does and you just missed this part. If so, it might be okay to get a horse that has trust issues.

However, some horses that have trust issues never get over them, depending on the cause, no matter how good the trainer is. You also need to realize that it will take a lot of time before you will be able to do anything with the horse, and if this is going to be a first horse for you guys, I honestly wouldn't recommend it. Personally I think it is just asking for trouble, and you really should get a horse that can teach you and help you before you get a horse that needs you to teach and help him.

Hope this has helped you a little. Good luck... feel free to let me know what happens. :)