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Cant catch my horse!!!

20 17:36:18

I have a 6 year old QH Gelding.  He is a dream to ride (push button)and once the halter is on he's a real gentleman.  But, if he's loose in the pasture it is impossible to catch him.  Even with grain and being sneaky, he's just too dang smart.
How can I break this terrible habit/behavior??

Hi Lisa!

Before I recommend anything specific, I'd like some more information.  Are you the only one who can't catch him?  Are you the only rider?  Is he out 24/7/365 or does he have a stall?  Where is he fed his hay, grain and water?  Are there other horses with him?  How long has this been going on...forever or just started?  How in the end do you eventually catch him?
