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how to break a horse from kicking?

20 17:44:25

hi, my name is aggie i am 15 years old an my old partner dancer is turning 24 this year and does not like to be ridden anymore, so i have been looking for a new ridding partner. There is a horse who is 4 years old and her name is zoey. She is perfect and i would love to start training her but she has a kicking problem, when you next to or behind her hind quarters, so i would love some advise to help her stop, because i do not want her to hurt anyone specailly my other horse dancer. Thank you so much hope to here from you soon.

All horses kick, it is normal horse behavior. Read my web site about herd behavior, under that horsemanship page.  You need to learn how horse's think so you can understand why they do what they do.

This is not a horse problem, this is a people problem.  Most all horse problems are caused by people that don't understand horses.
