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bit with large mouthpiece diameter

20 17:19:47

hello ma'am, does a bit with larger mouthpiece diameter spoils the horse jaw? does it make the horse to chew the bit?

in the previous answers, you have mentioned that rubber bits with larger mouthpiece diameter spoils its jaw.


All horses have different conformation in their mouths. They may have a larger tongue, or a smaller pallet. You may notice that some horses have smaller  mouths than others.

I did not mean to suggest that a rubber bit  SPOILS the jaw...just that if it is too large a diameter it will not be comfortable to the horse, or if the horse's mouth is dry the rubber bit can actually tear at the soft tissue.Also, some times the rubber material tears and it leaves a rough place for the horse's tongue.

When you put the bit in the horse's mouth, watch his behavior. Is it easy for him to close his entire mouth around it? Does he chew constantly? Also, when you look at it from the side, is there a space BELOW the bit before the horse can bring his mouth back together? Then it would be too large.

However, remember the rule......generally, the smaller the diameter of the mouthpiece of the bit, the more severe is the bit.For example, push the flat part of your thumb against your hand. No discomfort at all. Now put your nail against your hand. It is a much smaller and sharper diameter and surface. It is uncomfortable.
