Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > need a bit of advice

need a bit of advice

21 8:54:36

name:chiffy hight:12.1Hh age:12 years. old lives in stable with other pony out in day in at night people have tried to break him befor but gave up or not had enough time .   i have offerd to break a pony at my yard for no fee and he is going well i have long rainedhim and lundged and has acsepted the bit and saddle but rearley does not like stopping . i have sat and walked on him but not yet used my leg .is the reasons i am having brocken problems that he is older   should i carrie on and be determind or give up i have brocken my own 4 year old and he is going great pls help

Hi Charlotte!

It seems to me that you do not own the pony, Chiffy.  I cannot give training advice to non-owners of the horse because of legal reasons.

It also seems to me that you are stuck and so is the pony.  I would tell the owner that she or he may need to hire a professional trainer to get this little guy over his difficulties before he begins to act out and hurts someone or himself.

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
