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My little kicker!

21 8:55:08

I have a 6 month old colt he is being weaned. My problem is he likes to kick at me when I am feeding him. His mother is around but I feed them in there own stalls. How should I react when he kicks at me is there anything I can do. My daughter likes to help and I do not want him kicking her.Thanks

Your guy definitely is trying to establish that he is going to be the lead of your little herd! Take a stick and tie a plastic bag on the end. When you go into the stall to feed shake the stick just enough that he moves away. Then throw the feed and if he turns his bum to you shake it again until steps back a little. It probably wont take much shaking to get the job done. Keep him away from the food and you until you step out of the stall. If you have the throw the feed right in front of the door so be it. Do this every time you feed for a week or so and see if he naturally starts waiting for the food instead of kicking at you and demanding it. Let me know how it goes for you guys.
Best Wishes